Shepherds Glen
Versatile Australian Shepherds
You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
CH Sunfire Spring Fever Not Today CD STDcds OFTDcds RTX DNA-VP

Owner: Renee Watson
Breeders: David Clayton, Sherrie Scott & Katelyn Scott Peart
March 24, 2019
Color: Blue Merle with Copper
ASCA: E211313 AKC: DN58110506
Full Dentition
Health Clearances: MDR1 - n/N HC - n/n
Elbows - Good Hips - Fair X-ray
Eyes Cleared Yearly
Valor is an amazing dog who lives life to the fullest! He's always playing and no stuffed toy is safe near him. He comes by his nickname, Mr. Wiggles, very honestly. He's a boy with a big heart and it's full of fun and great ideas.
He's excelling at Obedience and Rally, learns at an amazing rate and works with a very flashy style. He loves to please and wants to learn any new game. He's a very thoughtful and kind worker with his stock. Since getting our own ducks, he's settling into being a caring and thoughtful stockman. He cares about his stock and is very biddable. Looking forward to some great things from this young man.