Shepherds Glen
Versatile Australian Shepherds
You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
Marabil's King of the North BN RNX RAX RAC

Owner: Renee Watson
Breeders: Laura Abbott, Amy Heinrich, Renee Watson

March 27, 2020
Color: Blue Merle with Copper
ASCA: E217382 AKC: DN62931501
Full Dentition
Snow has an amazing story. He was part of an Oops! litter we had at the beginning of Covid. Valor and his mother, Samantha, were so sneaky about the whole process, we didn't know she was pregnant until she was about 6 weeks and we had no idea who the father was. Samantha hung out with 3 intact boys, so we waited for the pups to be born and we DNA'd everyone. If you're familiar with The Game of Thrones, we named them "The Bastard Litter." Everyone had a name like Sand, Rivers, Flowers and of course, Snow. We said, "They were well-bred, just not well-planned."
When he was born with so much white, we began to watch carefully and at about 3 weeks could tell he was not responding to the same things as the others in the litter. At 8 weeks we tested and he is completely deaf.
Challenge accepted! I began to teach Snow sign language. At this point, he has a repertoire of ~50 signs. He's doing well in Obedience and Rally and is starting to garner titles. More importantly, Snow is such a special member of our pack and he's taught us so much about figuring life out. Snow is the sweetest to everyone and every other dog. He's very self-assured and seems to love his life. We have already learned so much from this "handi-capable" little guy, but I have a feeling there will be a lot more to learn on the way to a UD and a Masters title.
We didn't wake up to be mediocre!